Department of Chemistry, School of Biomedical Engineering
and Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Principal Investigator: Dr. Melissa Reynolds, Professor and Boettcher Investigator

The TMBR laboratory is located in the Chemistry Research building on the Colorado State University main campus.
The shipping/mailing address is:
Major TMBR Instrumentation/Equipment:
- Two GE Sievers 280i nitric oxide analyzers
- Instron 4442 Tensiometer/Bluehill 2 software
- Agilent 1260 HPLC with Dual ESI Agilent 6224 Accurate Mass TOF MS
- Biotek Synergy 2 monochromator-based multi-mode microplate reader
- Thermo Scientific Evolution 300 UVvis Spectrophotometer with Peltier and multi-cell changer
- Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700 FTIR Spectrophotometer with MCT detector and ATR accessory
- High-pressure, high-temperature praying mantis accessory dome for UVvis and FTIR measurements
- Inline UVvis and FTIR high-pressure 316SS nitric oxide reactor
- Custom electrospinning system
- SCS G3 spincoating system
- Custom 316SS 4-port nitric oxide reactor system
- High-vacuum schlenk line systems (multiple)
- Heidolph rotary evaporators (multiple; 2 with cold-trap condensers)
- Accumet XL50 and Mettler-Toledo pH meters and specialized pH electrodes
- Millipore Direct-Q 5 ultrapure water purification system
- Labconco lyophilizer
- Programmable Binder convection ovens (multiple)
- Programmable Binder vacuum oven
- Mars6 Synthesis Microwave
- Thermoscientific precision ovens (multiple)
- Heamoscope Tromboelastograph (TEG) Analyzer
- Watson Marlow Peristaltic Pumps (multiple)
- Ohaus Explorer Analytical Balances (multiple)
- Potentiostats (multiple)
- Milli-Q E-POD pure water purification system
- Invitrogen EVOS M5000 Bright field fluorescence microscope
- 100x Optical microscope
- Horiba Fluorolog Fluorimeter
- Agilent 1260 HPLC with diode-array and refractive index detectors
- Horizon Elite 755-24 centrifuge
- Mel-Temp Melting point apparatus